ICX Uitwisselen
Prijs geschiedenis
118,558,370 USD
24 uur Volume
752,004 USD
Circulerende voorraad
1,052,441,580 ICX
Max. Levering
0.00000 ICX
ICON Overzicht
ICON is een onderling verbindend blockchainnetwerk. ICON kan onafhankelijke blockchains verbinden zonder gebruik te maken van tussenpersonen van derden. Verschillende blockchains kunnen met elkaar communiceren via het ICON-platform. Door silend blockchains met elkaar te verbinden, probeert ICON de grootste blockchain te worden die er bestaat.
N / a
N / a
Status van Project
N / a
N / a months
N / a
Block Processing
Emissie snelheid
N / a
Open source
N / a
ICON Nieuws
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Theft-Hit NEM Nosedived, But It Wasn't February's Big Crypto Loser
While bitcoin ended February with marginal gains, and the likes of litecoin and lesser-known DigixDao shined, names like ICON, NEM and cardano took a beating as the market turned south, CoinDesk data shows.
Evolving decentralization in a world let down by centralization
It is not only about being financially decentralized through Bitcoin, but it is also about trying to create an entire decentralized network of different blockchain communities and sectors for a new era of decentralization to come to fruition.
Icon to Giveaway $570,000 in Tokens to Promote Voting, Decentralization
The Icon Foundation, the group behind the Icon blockchain network, is giving away 3 million ICX tokens - worth ~$570,000 - in anticipation of its upcoming Public Representative elections.
ICON to give away 3 million ICX tokens as part of upcoming node holder elections
The ICON Foundation has announced it will be giving away 3 million ICX tokens to participants in its upcoming election.
Apple CryptoKit for iOS 13 suggests full cryptocurrency wallets are coming to iPhone
Apple has announced "CryptoKit," a new framework that will allow developers to perform cryptographic operations securely and efficiently.
Developer of Blockchain Project ICON Denies IPO Plan Reports
The firm developing blockchain project ICON, has denied claims that it's planning to hold an initial public offering.
Seoul City Gov't Appoints Members to Blockchain Governance Team
The Seoul Metropolitan Government, South Korea, has issued letters of appointment to its Blockchain Governance Team set to integrate blockchain technology with the city's administration services.
Interconnecting Blockchain Project ICON Makes a Push Towards Decentralizing Its Nodes
History of ICON. ICON aims to design an "Interconnecting blockchain network." ICON is engineering a solution to connect independent blockchains without the use of third-party intermediaries.
South Korea: "Third Generation" Blockchain Projects Look to Dominate the Global Crypto Market
Competition among the so-called "Third generation" projects is fast brewing in the South Korean blockchain and cryptocurrency market, as companies scramble to find the industry's "Killer app" and spur widespread adoption.
How ICON Partnered with Korea's Biggest Insurance Firm to Develop Blockchain Apps
This past June, ICON, the most valuable blockchain project in South Korea, secured a strategic partnership with Kyobo Life, the country's largest insurance firm alongside Samsung, to develop blockchain-based services.